Fairytale Girl

Once upon a time there was a fairytale girl,
Who lived in her castle in her fairytale world.
She lived with her parents, whom she loved very much,
They were living their 'Happily Ever After' and such.
Older siblings to guide her, to teach, tease, and play,
Supportive and loving her family would always stay.

Their house was no palace, but t'was filled with laughter,
With music to play and lessons to master.
Her school, not exclusive, but open to all,
With books and music, and plays in the hall.
Her friends were not rich, but lived just like her,
Playing games, running free, always out in fresh air.

A fairytale girl, in her fairytale land,
Dreaming fairytale dreams of adventures she'd planned.

But she wouldn't.

Even fairytales get dark, and monsters appear.
Heroes fight for their loves, and wars go on for years.
Tragic, Appalling, Unjust it is though,
How childhood innocence is always the first thing to go.

The villains came by way of monsters three,
They stole her innocence left her to see
The world through new eyes, through the eyes of the hurt,
The eyes of the broken, seeing lies and the dirt.

Suddenly everything has multiple shades,
With fear and pain everywhere, laughter soon fades.
Our fairytale girl grew up in many pieces,
Some fast, beyond years, some left behind where the fear is.
Everything tainted, the sky turned to black,
The villains are winning - how to fight back?

Ten years go by, a glimmer of hope,
Something to fight for, someone to give scope.
Acknowledge the pieces! They need to be whole,
Acknowledge the fear! It needs to come home.

Another five years, the war really begins,
The army is gathered and ready to win!
The fairytale girl must lead her own charge,
With her Knight and standard bearers bold and large.

Now thirty years have passed since the villains first attack,
And the war rages on, and the girl can't come back.
Onwards only, marching forward, fighting daily, standing firm.
Because fairytales and dark and complex as we've learned.

True love has been found, a new castle founded,
A Queen in own land by children surrounded.
But the sky is still black, so each day she sets out
Into the battle to beat back the doubt,
And stop the black sky invading her kids home.
Determined their innocence will last till they're grown,
That till war is NOT theirs
The monsters won't strike
Their fairytale WON'T involve this kind of fight!

So how will it end? The villains won't die
But beat them into submission and clear the sky.
Once upon a time there was a fairytale girl,
Who grew to be a Queen in her fairytale world.
Years of war and toil endured.
But fairytales and more complex and simple problem/reward.

A harshness exists, the reality lingers,
In the air that you breathe and the tips of your fingers,
So live your Happily Ever After, please
But don't think your story ends there, by any means..